We hope you may be interested in joining our friendly club and enjoy our facilities. If so please don't hesitate to contact us on 01771 622225 for information on how you can become one of our members.
Cost is £60.00 per annum, with a £10.00 Joining Fee on first year. This entitles a member to full use of all Facilities and Voting Rights at the Annual General Meeting.
Cost is £30.00 per annum, This is like a Social Membership where you have use of the Facilities but at an extra cost, with no Voting Rights at the Annual General Meeting.
Cost is £25.00 per annum. This type of membership covers ages of 14 to 16 years inclusive. No Voting Rights at the Annual General Meeting.
Cost is £10 .00 per annum. This type of membership covers ages of 11 to 13 years inclusive. No Voting Rights at the Annual General Meeting.